If you are facing charges anywhere in San Diego County or the surrounding areas, contact my firm at 
(619) 846-2235!

Worrying about court appearances and what will happen in court is a serious matter for people facing DUI charges in California. The idea of appearing before a judge can be scary, especially if this is your first time facing DUI or criminal charges.

When You Are Represented By Attorney Joshua Price, You May Not Have To Appear In Court

Few DUI lawyers in the San Diego area have the experience and skills necessary to be able to handle a case without needing their clients to attend court. When you work with me, you get that level of experience.

In most cases, I am able to appear in court on your behalf, particularly in cases that are misdemeanor DUIs. You don't have to worry about appearing before a judge or wonder what you'll have to say in court — I will take care of it for you.