Imperial Beach DUI Checkpoint Alert
According to a press release issues by the San Diego County Sherriff's Department, The City of Imperial Beach will be deploying deputies from the Imperial Beach Sheriff’s Station on saturation patrols and DUI/driver's license checkpoints on two dates. A checkpoint is scheduled for: Friday August 28, 2015 between 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. Friday September 4, 2015 between 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. The checkpoints will be conducted within the city of Imperial Beach. They will be looking for drivers with a suspended license or who appear impaired. If you want to add this to y[...]

Checkpoint for Escondido DUI
source: San Diego Union-TribuneApril 9, 2017Lyndsay Winkley at the San Diego Union-Tribune reported a DUI checkpoint in Escondido over the weekend. One driver was arrested on suspicion of being drunk and 23 citations were issued. The checkpoint was set up at Second Avenue and Broadway between 5 p.m. Saturday and 1 a.m. Sunday.Of the 1,447 drivers that passed through, 44 vehicles were sent to a secondary screening for failing to produce a driver’s license or for appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Twenty-three drivers were ticketed for driving on a suspended license, driv[...]

DUI Trial Case Study: A New Job Offer on the Line
I am obligated to protect my client's privacy, so I cannot disclose the names of his original attorney or my client. However, I can share the details of the trial. A guilty verdict would have crushed my client's job opportunity in Canada. Initially Hired a Bad Attorney The accused was arrested and hastily hired a different attorney without conducting a proper background check. In retrospect, it would have been better to hire a prosecutor. This attorney convinced the accused to plead guilty to a DUI charge based on a bre[...]
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