Posts for the month 8, 2015


Should you proceed to trial or pursue a plea bargain for your DUI case

California has some of the stiffest penalties in the nation for DUI offenses. Because of this, you may be considering a plea bargain with the prosecutor when facing these charges. Before you make a hasty decision though, there are a number of different things that you should consider. In order to help you make the best decision possible for your case – whether or not you should accept the bargain or go to trail – I thought that I would discuss what you should be thinking about.What to Consider if You’re Leaning Toward a Plea BargainMake no mistake, a trail for a DUI case – as with any [...]

DMV Employees in Salinas Plead Guilty for Accepting Bribes

From San Diego to Salinas, it seems like employees at the Department of Motor Vehicles are accepting bribes. In the latest case, employees at the Salinas DMV have pleaded guilty for accepting bribes up to $5000 for granting truck driving licenses illegally and for committing identity fraud. At least two have been arrested so far. All the local news outlets have covered the story on their web sites. Here's the San Diego Tribune link:[...]

Imperial Beach DUI Checkpoint Alert

According to a press release issues by the San Diego County Sherriff's Department, The City of Imperial Beach will be deploying deputies from the Imperial Beach Sheriff’s Station on saturation patrols and DUI/driver's license checkpoints on two dates. A checkpoint is scheduled for: Friday August 28, 2015 between 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. Friday September 4, 2015 between 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. The checkpoints will be conducted within the city of Imperial Beach. They will be looking for drivers with a suspended license or who appear impaired. If you want to add this to y[...]

Schedule a free consultation

Call (619)846-2235 to schedule a free consultation. We are receiving calls 24/7. Call me to explain the particular facts of your case and I will recommend what to do next.