Posts for the month 6, 2015


Prescription Drugs and California’s DUI Laws: What You Should Know

When it comes to DUIs, most people think of alcohol. Many do not realize, however, that prescription drugs can lead and have led to DUI arrests in the state. There is actually a separate term that covers these cases, which is DUID, a term that stands for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs. This term applies to cases where a driver is judged to be operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana, illicit drugs, or prescription medication. Unlike a traditional DUI case, the science surrounding DUID cases is somewhat soft, especially when it comes to prescription drugs. As yo[...]

Results of a Second DUI Conviction in California

Like every other state in the nation, California takes the crime of driving under the influence extremely seriously. This has come to be reflected in the harshness of California’s DUI laws, which essentially throw the book at anyone who picks up a second conviction.The Evidence That Will Be Gathered Against YouIn order to establish that someone has been driving under the influence, California law enforcement officers will rely upon a number of things. The first piece of evidence gathered will be the officer’s initial impression of a driver’s state, including the way that driver was drivi[...]

California’s DUI Laws and Vehicular Manslaughter

The primary reason that California continues to strengthen its DUI laws is due to the deaths that are associated with drunk driving incidents. These events are as tragic as they come, and it’s easy to understand why the state has such a vested interest in limiting them. The punishments involved with such cases are quite severe, and they merit attention. Let’s take a look. Understanding Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated California makes a distinction between two levels of vehicular manslaughter. This distinction is based upon the level of negligence that is shown by the[...]

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