Posts for the month 3, 2015


What Happens After an Arrest for DUI in California?

A DUI arrest is a stressful experience no matter how it happens. Whether you were pulled over on suspicion of DUI, the officer pulled you over because of a problem with your vehicle and then realized you were intoxicated, or you were involved in an accident or stopped at a checkpoint, the result is the same. The officer places you under arrest. What happens next? The Testing Procedure The first thing that will happen is you’ll be transported to either the jail or to a hospital where you’ll be required to undergo testing to determine if you were actually driving under the infl[...]

What You Need to Do Following a DUI Arrest

Being arrested for a DUI is one of the most stressful situations that a person can endure. Given the level of stress involved, many California drivers will sometimes do things that are not in their best interests. Therefore, we thought it would be useful to share some tips about what you should do following a DUI arrest. If you follow these tips, you have the best chance of achieving the best possible outcome in your DUI case. What to Do at the Station When the officers tell you that anything you say or do can be used against you, they mean it. So, make sure that you keep control of your[...]

California and the 10-Year Look Back Period

As in every other state in the country, California increases the penalties that a DUI offender faces if he or she has prior DUI convictions. This is all part of the state’s interest in cracking down on and reducing the number of drunk driving incidents that happen in the state each and every year. If you’re facing a current DUI charge that follows subsequent convictions, then you will necessarily want to understand how California takes those previous convictions into account when prosecuting your case. The 10-Year Look Back Period California does not consider all previous DUI[...]

Schedule a free consultation

Call (619)846-2235 to schedule a free consultation. We are receiving calls 24/7. Call me to explain the particular facts of your case and I will recommend what to do next.