Vista DUI Checkpoint this Friday and Saturday Night
Tomorrow evening, the Vista Sheriff station plans to set up a DUI checkpoint in Vista. The California Highway Patrol will assist them. According to the press release, which you can read below, the checkpoint will last from 7 pm Friday evening to 2 am Saturday morning. If you find yourself caught in the snare after a night of drinking, be sure to read up on Stops and Checkpoints tips here. The tips contained in that article are as valid today as the day I wrote it. The full text of the press release is below. Please don't hesitate to contact my law office if you require to speak with a[...]
How Can We Prevent Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Teens?
The Key to Preventing Addiction in Adults? Start When They’re Young. The chemistry of addiction is simple. The causes are myriad, and complex. But there is one predictor of addiction that stands above all others: early substance use as youth. In order to prevent the devastating consequences of addiction in adults, it is imperative to understand the risk factors that contribute to drug and alcohol use in children, and find ways to mitigate those risks. Know What to Look For, and How to Prevent Youth Substance Use The Hazeldon Betty Ford Foundation has just published a concise and[...]
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